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Straight Line for Business

The shortest distance from point A to point B is a straight line.

3SG Consulting - Straight Line - Connect to Your Prospects Directly

Why does this make a difference for your business?

Your business strategy should be to deal directly with prospects. How do you do that?


One: Clearly see point B


If you want a straight line from point A to B, you must know where point B is when you start the line.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

Discover what you don’t know. That will greatly help you clearly see where your focus should be.


There could be specific market niches that are attractive.

Your product might have applications relevant to different industries you don’t recognize yet.3SG Strategy - Clearly define point B - the the target prospects

Competition that you didn’t even think about could be eating your pie.

Using real data based on competitive analysis, scrutinize your market. Use all the research available out today. There is so much data available out there. Use it to your advantage to identify prospects that you want to target.

Not every company on the wish list might be on your past, eventually you’ll need a clear plan on how to reach out to them. Clearly identifying them is still a very powerful first step.

Once you have defined “point B”, “draw” the line. That is engage your prospects.



Two: Engage with Prospects


This could be as simple as making some cold calls, or hiring sales people connected to certain companies, or attending industry events for an opportunity to meet them, or doing a focused online advertising campaign geared to their requirements, or following them on social media channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube, or using email marketing to augment power of your word-of-mouth.

Always have a clearly defined engagement strategy – your message, list of questions to bring up and ask, list of customer references, case studies, examples …etc.

Ignore the online channels, and live with the risk of losing good chunk of market share to a savvy competitor. LinkedIn for example, can bring so much information to your finger tips; ; it also empowers you to reach out to right people inside the company. You didn’t know how to do this before, now you do – thanks to new tools. Online research and engaging on social media channels empower you with more info and new ways to reach out to the prospects. Put them to use.


3SG Strategy – Right tools and support system to keep clear direction

3SG Strategy - Right tools and support system to keep clear direction

Make sure to have the right sales strategy support tools in the place. For example, we have had so much success tracking sales strategy effectiveness – identifying the right prospects to follow up and using dashboards to clearly show the big picture.

A good support system will help you navigate the forest while you are in the woods.

Harness all the support you can that keeps you anchored on the straight line.



3SG Consulting – Straight Line – Connect to Your Prospects Directly

3SG Consulting - Straight Line - Connect to Your Prospects Directly

What is your strategy to identify and reach out to relevant prospects? We would love to hear your experiences and success stories.





Questions or Comments?

About Deven

Deven is an engineer, marketer, customer experience enabler, consultant, coach, and problem solver. Deven empowers customers with digital transformation. Deven guides clients to develop and execute the business strategy, integrating his knowledge of technology, digital marketing, market research, competitive analysis, and data analytics. Deven explores and uses ideas from mindfulness, empathy, and emotional intelligence while developing content. He is a partner in execution with clients collaborating and coordinating with them actively. Deven combines an analytical approach to structure his thinking with innovative ways to develop and present ideas.
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