priligy zkuenosti

Leads – The Blood of a Business

Healthy blood circulation makes life more fun, energetic and full of vitality. This is as true for your business life…

WISE Series Part I – Business outcomes and website – What is a WIN for me?

The role of the website and online presence has evolved... The key question that you always want to start with…

Customer Relationship Managment (CRM) – Four Keys for Success

A Customer Relationships Management (CRM) system can play a pivotal role in answering several questions - How do you manage…

Web Analytics – Is My Marketing Working?

John Wannamaker had interesting quote, “Half of my marketing isn’t working. I just don’t know which half.” Fortunately, marketing has…

Capture Market Niches – Paradigm for Leads Generation

Have the right positioning and marketing content. And then use that to strengthen your relationships. Email marketing, networking using social media channels, your 24/7 online presence can make it easier for you. Save your time, cut down your cost and maximize your resources. Continue reading