priligy zkuenosti

Artificial Intelligence for Business Development

How critical is it to get in front of the right decision-makers?

How can you get introductions and references?

How much time do you have to spend even before starting a conversation with them?

The AI (artificial intelligence) can help you get introduced to 15 or more of every 100 senior contacts you want to meet. Fill in the top of your sales funnel using that so you can focus on critical relationships development.



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About Deven

Deven is an engineer, marketer, customer experience enabler, consultant, coach, and problem solver. Deven empowers customers with digital transformation. Deven guides clients to develop and execute the business strategy, integrating his knowledge of technology, digital marketing, market research, competitive analysis, and data analytics. Deven explores and uses ideas from mindfulness, empathy, and emotional intelligence while developing content. He is a partner in execution with clients collaborating and coordinating with them actively. Deven combines an analytical approach to structure his thinking with innovative ways to develop and present ideas.
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